DATE TAUGHT: Friday, February 8th 2019

TEACHER: Thaddeus Maharaj

How do we give an answer for our faith?

Our REASON FOR HOPE WORKSHOPS are one night workshops where we explore this important topic.

1 Peter 3:15 says,

“…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…”

This verse describes what is called “apologetics” – giving a reasoned defence for the hope in us.

Christian apologist, Cornelius Van Til, said that “It is not kindness to tell patients that need strong medicine that nothing serious is wrong with them.” As Christians, we believe that the Gospel of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is the only hope of salvation for a world lost in sin and darkness. This is the message we are tasked with to proclaim to everyone. However, this exclusive message may seem too narrow-minded to many.

This workshop series seeks to help us be prepared to give a gracious answer to a world that believes a very different narrative to Christianity.

This first workshop in this series is foundational to addressing the “HOW” of giving an answer. In this first workshop session, we seek to establish our method (or the ‘how’) of giving an answer from what the Bible says about apologetics.

  • How does the Bible define apologetics?
  • What does the Bible tells us about how we are to give an answer?
  • Does the Bible equip us for this task?

We address these questions and much more in this first workshop.

Video Slides with audio

Print out the worksheet PDF (below) and use these videos to follow along with the workshop.
(TIP: You can use the gear icon to speed up/slow down the video so you can follow better)

Workshop Audio MP3 (2 Parts)

You can listen to the audio of the workshop here – or download it to listen later.

NOTE: To download, on some browsers it may open in a new window where you can download the audio by clicking on the ‘three dots’ at the side of the audio player OR you may have to right-click the button links and choose Save As…

Print and Other Materials

These are the materials used during this workshop. Feel free to use them if you’d like to go through the workshop personally or together with a small group or Bible study.


This workshop was designed to be used together with the worksheet. You can download and print this PDF to follow along with the lesson and make notes.


These are the teacher’s notes from the workshop. You can download and print the PDF here. This would be a good resource for leading a small group through the material in this workshop.


These are the presentation interactive PDF slides from the workshop. To view it as a fullscreen slideshow presentation, you will have to download it on your computer to run it.

Other Helpful Resources for Apologetics

Below is a short list of recommended resources to aid you in your growth.

The “INTRODUCTORY” materials are a great place to begin if you’re new to the topic and are written to be easily understood and applied with suggestions for further reading. The “FURTHER” resources are for those who have already had some exposure to the topic of apologetics and are wanting to dig a little deeper.

The materials for our REASON FOR HOPE WORKSHOP are offered through our website free of charge for personal use or in small groups for the edification of individuals in the body of Christ and the Church globally. Please, no editing or redistribution of this content without the expressed written permission of Hope Church Toronto West.


10am | Lakeshore Collegiate Institute
350 Kipling Ave, Etobicoke


Mondays - Thursdays | 8:30 am - 5 pm
26-1255 The Queensway, Etobicoke

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