Compassion Canada is a gospel-centred organization that seeks to help children living in poverty to develop healthy minds, bodies and relationships while discovering God’s love for them. We have had the privilege of supporting crisis centre and as church members sponsoring children in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti and now in Piura, Peru.
If you would like to get involved in our partnership with Compassion Canada by sponsoring a child, please email Dean Billings at DBillings@compassion.ca our Church’s Compassion Canada representative, or call their Contact Centre at 1-800-563-5437 to request a child from the “Hope Church Toronto West Peru Cluster”.
Thank you for your partnership!
How will your money help?
During the pandemic, we saw firsthand the impact of crises on children in poverty. We also saw how powerful sponsorship can be in equipping local churches to respond in specific, effective and life-changing ways. As we continue to see multifaceted crises impacting children around the world, we know that the need for sponsorship remains urgent. We are more confident than ever that your commitment to sponsorship truly allows children, families and communities to be deeply known, loved and protected through it all.
Where does the money go?
Your monthly donation ensures that Compassion frontline church partners can minister to children in every aspect of their lives, providing them with age-appropriate Christian teaching and discipleship at a local church; formal and non-formal educational opportunities; health care, hygiene training and supplementary food; personal attention, guidance and love.
Financial Integrity
Your monthly contribution will be delivered through local churches around the world by staff members in the field who know the immediate needs of each child registered with Compassion, as well as their families and communities.
- 80% to program
- 20% to fundraising & administration