A Biblical Office
In addition to the office of elder, the New Testament lays out a second vital office: The office deacon (1 Tim 3:8-13). While elders pastor the flock as overseers (Acts 20:28), deacons assist the elders as servants (Acts 6:2). While elders primarily minister to spiritual needs in word (Acts 6:2,4), deacons primarily minister to tangible needs in deed (Acts 6:1,3).
Listen to a sermon on the vital office of Deacon.
Drawing principles from Acts 6:1-7, Deacons at Hope Church Toronto West perform 3 functions:
- Spot & Meet Tangible Needs
- Protect & Promote Church Unity
- Serve & Support the Ministry of the Elders
One way our deacons spot & meet tangible needs is to work individually with families or members in need. Deacons receive and review all requests for help from individuals in our Church. Practical help includes connecting individuals with available resources, assisting with counselling, helping with budgeting, providing emotional and spiritual support, and extending financial aid. The Deacon assigned to the request will follow up with the individual and perform an intake. Which is an in-person assessment to understand the severity of the situation and provide any emergency help if required.
Next, the deacon will propose a care plan. A care plan is a short-term plan that includes both care from the Church and goals for the individual in need. The care plan is to ensure that our Church is administering mercy in a loving and holistic way, but also to ensure we are mercifully pointing the individual towards maturity in Christ. All care plans are approved by the Elders, and deacons will follow up regularly to ensure the plan is followed through and those in need, receive care.
Meet Our Deacons





Call Us Today
Help from the Diaconate is reserved first for members of Hope Church Toronto West. If you are a member and are in need of practical help you can call us at 416 521 9292. Requests for help can be made Monday to Thursday between 10am and 3pm.
When you call, you will be asked some standard, basic questions. This helps us to assess how we can best serve you. The information you share with us will be kept confidential. Please keep in mind, due to limited resources, the Diaconate cannot take on all requests for assistance.
1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Am I eligible to receive help?
Help is first reserved for members of Hope Church Toronto West. However, if you are not a member, but attend the church regularly and regard Hope Church as your home church, exceptions are gladly considered. Finally, if you are unsure about Jesus Christ and are not a Christian, we would love to help you become familiar with the gospel (salvation by Christ) because the core of our ministry is to rely on God’s provision for you.
How many people will know about my Situation?
You can expect that what you share remains confidential among the Deacons and the Elders of Hope Church Toronto West. Depending on the need or issue, with your consent, we may seek advice and involve other members of the church to provide assistance to the situation.
Confidentiality may be broken in the event that we are worried that an individual may become harmful towards themselves or others, particularly when a child’s safety may be at risk.
How often will I meet with my Deacons or Deaconesses?
The frequency of meeting depends on various factors such as the nature of your situation and your financial, emotional or spiritual needs. It can range from once a week to once a month or even once a quarter. There will be phone and email contact as well.
Do Deacons serve on a term basis?
Deacons shall serve a term of two years and be eligible for additional terms upon approval by our Elders. The ministry of the Deacon is not easy, and requires tremendous discernment and thought in appropriating finance, but also considerable time and energy to care for those in need.
Truly it is a call to serve as a Deacon, a call from God, who will supply the strength and grace required in this work. Our hope is that Deacons will serve multiple terms, as the Lord allows, to not only serve needs but also raise up more deacons and multiply the work of the ministry for years to come.
2. Still have questions?
Email or call us at 416-521-9292 and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.